
v 13.0 Third Party 85
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies CRM (crm)
Calendar (calendar)
Contacts (contacts)
Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 712
Technical Name crm_facebook_leads
Versions 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 11.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies CRM (crm)
Calendar (calendar)
Contacts (contacts)
Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 712
Technical Name crm_facebook_leads
Versions 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 11.0

Sync Facebook Leads with Odoo CRM

Support of multiple Pages and multiple Lead Forms with advanced field mapping and automatic teams assignation.


  1. Login to your Facebook account.
  2. Go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps and press Create App. Set the Display Name of your application and enter the Contact Email
  3. Go to the Settings section and choose Basic. From there you can get your App Id and App Secret
  4. On Odoo, go to "CRM/Configuration/Settings". In Facebook Leads Settings paste your App Id and App Secret and click Get Access Token
  5. You will be redirected to facebook to give access to the app. Make sure to include all the pages you need to sync
  6. After granting access you will again be redirected to Odoo with an already generated access token. You can then click Get Pages to retrieve all the pages with their respective access token
  7. Go to "CRM/Configuration/Leads & Opportunities/Facebook Pages" and access the page you want to sync. You can use the button "Get Forms" to get all the forms associated with your Facebook page.
  8. For each form you can edit the mapping between Facebook fields and Odoo fields. Any Facebook field which is not mapped will go automatically in the description field of your lead. this way you will get all your lead info even if your Facebook form has fields which does not have an equivalent in Odoo. You can also assign a Salesteam for each form.


The cron job which is configured for an interval of 1 hour will automatically get all the leads which are not yet imported in the system.

You can also check related Facebook info for each lead.

The cron job can also be changed for narrower or bigger intervals.

Roadmap/Known issues

  • There may be some compatibility issues for some field types. For example if the field type is Many2one the module will automatically search an adequate record by name, which is not always fault-tolerant. Other field types need also to be checked.
  • The module will always import all the leads which are not in the system. So if you delete a lead it will be reimported the next time. the workaround, which is actually the correct thing to do is to archive (disable) the leads that you won't be using.
  • Support other Odoo Models (for example partners or mass mailing contacts).

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  • This section is meant to ask simple questions or leave a rating. Every report of a problem experienced while using the module should be addressed to the author directly (refer to the following point).
  • If you want to start a discussion with the author or have a question related to your purchase, please use the support page.
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Support is not good...
Mindinfosys FZE L.L.C
on 10/29/20, 6:03 PM Confirmed Purchase

I purchased this apps two weeks ago and trying to configuring with our company facebook to generate the lead, it does not getting the access token. Keep getting the error.

I approached  Vauxoo, they are not giving proper support, I would like to advice the buyer, please check the demo before you purchase any apps from this company.

Re: Support is not good...
Khalid Hazam
on 10/30/20, 5:18 AM Author


I know it's a bit tricky to properly create a facebook app but this is on your end not ours. Our module is guaranteed to work when provided with proper access to your facebook page, either by providing a page access token, a user access token with access to the page or directly a facebook app. There are a plethora of tutorials out there on how to get them, one of which is here: https://medium.com/@Jenananthan/how-to-create-non-expiry-facebook-page-token-6505c642d0b1, and it is not our job to configure you facebook app.

Furthermore, as per Odoo guidelines we've asked you numerous time to be as thorough as possible when you submit your ticket but you seemed to only be interested in making us do the installation and the configuration of your facebook app for you, which again is not covered by the purchase of this module.

We're sorry you're having difficulties configuring our module and, in the case you still can't provide proper troubleshooting info, we're ready to refund you your purchase.

Dickson tabora
on 9/28/20, 2:49 AM

do you have a demo site