POS All in one -Advance Point of Sale All in one Features



v 11.0 v 12.0 Third Party 138
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Point of Sale (point_of_sale)
Sales Management (sale_management)
Inventory Management (stock)
Discuss (mail)
Invoicing Management (account_invoicing)
Community Apps Dependencies
Lines of code 17088
Technical Name pos_all_in_one
LicenseSee License tab
Versions 13.0 11.0 12.0 17.0 14.0 15.0 16.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Point of Sale (point_of_sale)
Sales Management (sale_management)
Inventory Management (stock)
Discuss (mail)
Invoicing Management (account_invoicing)
Community Apps Dependencies
Lines of code 17088
Technical Name pos_all_in_one
LicenseSee License tab
Versions 13.0 11.0 12.0 17.0 14.0 15.0 16.0

POS -Point Of Sale All in One Features Advance Odoo App

Point Of Sales -POS all in one features Advance odoo apps is used for reorder ,return order, return order with barcode ,reprint invoice, filter order based on customers, create sales order from the POS screen, apply gift coupon & vouchers, apply bag charges, get invoice at a time of payment, get all the records in POS,Display on-hand quantity, POS Fixed Amount Discount & Display Total Number of Purchased Items in Cart and POS Receipt ,POS product operation (create/add/search product from pos), select and manage product template, pos item count, manage pos bag charges, customer loyalty point and redemption, import sale order from pos order, create sale order from pos, partial payment for pos order, enable disable pos feature for user, and let print different pos order reports like current session report, posted session report, sales summary, audit report, payment report, top selling customer/product/ category report etc. All of these feature available with this single all in one odoo module, you have to install only this single apps and you will see all those listed features with your point of sales. Arabic translation available for this app.


Reprint POS Order.

This module will help you to reprint POS receipt/invoice.

Reorder from POS.

User can easily reorder any pos order from orders list in POS.

Import Sale order.

Using this module you can easily import any sale order in POS.

Create Sale Order.

Using this module you can create sale order from POS.

Fix Discount.

User can appy fix discount to pos order.

Percentage Discount

User can apply percentage discount on pos order.

POS Item Count.

USer can total number of items of pos order.

Partial Pay Order.

User can pay patial amount for pos order.

Define Loyalty Points.

Define Loyalty based on Pos product category and purchase amount.

Earn Loyalty Points.

Customer can earns loyalty points with his/her every purchase in POS.

Create Product from POS Screen.

Only allowed user can create product from pos screen.

Edit/Search Product by Name or Barcode.

User can edit product detail or search product by bacode or name on pos screen.

Configure Multi Currency.

User can add foreign currencies in Point Of Sale configuration and currencies displayed in POS payment screen.

Pay POS Order using Multi Currency..

User can pay pos order and Enable/disable multiple currency payment feature from pos.

Smart Button for Create Picking.

Create picking using internal transfer button from pos screen.

Provide Pop-up for Create Picking.

User can select source and destination location and state from pop-up.

Confirmation Notification.

Picking created done then notify confirmation message.

Picking Details

User can see picking details in back-end.

Register Payment for Particular Customer.

Register Payment for Particular Customer from Point of Sale Screen.

Register Payment for Specific Invoice.

Register Payment for Specific Invoice on pos screen.

Create/Add Product from POS Screen


Under Point of Sale > Configurations > Point of Sale user have to enable "Allow Product Operations" to allow product operations or "Allow user to edit/create product from pos" to allow create/search/edit operation on POS screen.

Products button on POS

Allowed user can see and "Products" button on pos screen.

Create Product

User can create new product from pos screen by taping "Add Product" button as shown bellow.

After adding product detail user have to click on save icon on pos screen.

On Click on save icon user can see message saying "Product Detail Saved".

Search Product by Name

User can search product in pos screen by entering product name.

Search Product by Barcode

User can search product in pos screen by entering product barcode.

Edit Product

User can edit product details directly from pos screen by tapping edit icon on pos screen.

User can edit product details, after that click on save button.

Now user can see updated product details on pos screen.

Configure Product Variants

Configured product variant see in pos screen.

Number of Variant on POS Screen

User can see number of variant on pos screen for every product.

Add Product Variant

User can add product variant from pop-up on pos screen.

Print Receipt and Order Details

User can see pos receipt of product variant.

User can see pos order details.

POS Items Count

Item Count in order

Display Total Number of Items in POS Receipt.


We can re-order same product by clicking "Re-Order" Button.

Enter quantity to re-order that product.

Order lines after re-order.

Re-Print Invoice

We can Re-Print invoice with "Print" button.

Reprinted Receipt

Return order With Barcode

Click "Return with barcode" button to Scan a Barcode for a particular order.

Scan the Barcode and Click Apply.

Orderlines for the scanned barcode will be appear in the popup window.

After clicking on Apply, Products will be added to POS Order with negative quantity and you can place the Return Order.

Return order receipt

Create Sale Order

We can create sale order directly from POS by clicking "Create Sale Order".

Created Sale Order

Created Sale Order

Import Sale Order


Click on "Sale Orders" to see list of sale orders.

We can import sale order by clicking "Import Order" Button.

Enter quantity to import that product.

Imported order

If product is not configured for pos(available in pos),then it will generate a popup.

Auto Check invoice in POS

Activate Invoice auto-check button, it automatically creates Invoice after payment is done.

Invoice is auto-checked automatically

Filter Orders

We can filter orders by customers name.

POS Stock

In POS you can display product stock as per stock locations.

Select All warehouses to display stock from all location.

Select Current Session warehouse to display stock of current session warehouse


Display stock of product from all warehouse (Total Stock).

Display stock of product of specific stock location that select at time of configuration in POS.

Same as on hand quantity, you can display Available quantity,Outgoing quantity and incoming quantity.

Stock Quantity Validation with "Current Session Warehouse" Configuration. If You add quantity more than onhand quantity in Orderline for a particular product then Stock Qty Validation error popup will be appears.

Stock Configuration

User can configure Warehouses and Locations.

Point of Sale Configuration

User can enable Internal Transfer stock.

Create Picking from POS

Create Picking for internal transfer product stock source location to destination location and you can select the required state of the transfer.

Confirmation Notification

Picking created done then notify message in pop-up.

Internal transfer details in back-end with draft state.

Create Picking from POS with Waiting State

Create Internal transfer from pos with waiting state.

Confirmation Notification

Picking created done then notify message in pop-up.

Internal transfer details in backend with waiting state.

Create Picking from POS with Done State

Create Internal transfer from pos with done state.

Confirmation Notification

Picking created done then notify message in pop-up.

Internal transfer details in backend with done state.

POS Coupons & Gift Vouchers

Gift Coupons Configuration.

Create Gift Coupons From Back-end

Coupons in POS Screen

Create Options for Coupon/Gift Voucher.

Create a Coupon/Gift voucher in POS.

Print Coupon

Select Coupon/Gift voucher code

Apply Coupon/Gift Voucher Code

After entering gift coupon code,System validate the coupon code and apply coupon discount in POS order.

Gift Coupons History

POS Order with coupon

If gift coupon code is not valid then it will raise Error popup in POS.

We can not use any gift coupon if there is no customer selected. It will be raise Error popup

If order is empty then It will raise Error popup in POS.

Print Gift Coupon in Back-end

Add Bag Charges


Select "POS bag" in POS category.

You can add bag to order by clicking on "Bag" button or you can select bag from POS bag category.

When you click on "Bag" button,you will see this popup,just select bag which you want.

POS Fixed Amount Discount along with Percentage

Fixed Amount Discount Configuration

Fixed Amount Discount in POS

Fixed Amount Discount in Receipt

Fixed Amount Discount in POS Order

Discount in Percentage Configuration

Discount in Percentage in POS

Discount in Percentage in Receipt

Discount in Percentage in POS Order

POS Loyalty

There are two options for loyalty (i) Purchase Amount and (ii) POS Product Categories.

Loyalty Based on Purchase Amount

POS Loyalty Redemption Rule

Display loyalty point based on Purchase Amount in POS(Select Customer first)

Earned Loyalty Points will be displayed in POS Receipt

POS Loyalty History

USer can see generated pos loyalty history.

Customer's Loyalty Points

Customer's loyalty points is display in pos and Back-end

Loyalty Based on POS Product Categories

POS Loyalty Redemption Rule

Configuration in POS Product Categories

Display loyalty point based on POS Product Categories(Select Customer first)

Loyalty Redemption

Click on Redeem Button

Enter number of points to Redeem,Here you can see number of points and total amount according to redemption rule

After Redemption

Configuration for POS Partial Payment

User have to enable "Allow Partial Payment" for pay partial payment and set partial payment product.

If "Available in POS" is not enable for selected partial payment product it will raise warning as bellow.

If user added "Customer Taxes" for partial payment product it will raise warning as bellow.

POS Partial Payment

Select products and customers.

Partial Payment by Customer

User can pay partial amount for pos order using "Partial Payment" button on pos payment screen.

Payment Receipt with Due Amount

In payment receipt customers can see due amount and paid amount.

POS Order

User can see generated partial payment entry for pos order.

POS Orders Picking

Picking order will created for draft/partial paid pos order.

All Orders in POS

User can see all the orders, unpaid orders, paid orders, posted orders and invoiced orders.

Unpaid Orders

Posted Orders

Pay for Partially Paid Orders

Customer can multiple time pay partial payment for pos order.

Receipt for Partially Paid Order

Payment Updated in the POS Orders

User can see still due amount for pos order.

Receipt for fully Paid POS Order

User can see still due amount for pos order.

POS Payment Configuration

In Point of Sale Configuration you can configure the payment and invoice options. In Point of Sale it will reflect accordingly.

Point of Sale Home Screen

In the Point of Sale home Screen the button will be added according to the configuration. Click "Payment" to register payment for particular Customer.

Client Screen

After Clicking on "Payment" button you will be redirected to the client screen. Select Customer for which you want to register payment. After Selecting Customer, find Register Payment button for that specific customer.

Register Payment Pop-up Window

After clicking "Register Payment" button for the customer, enter payment type, amount and payment notes in the popup window. Then click 'Apply'.

Payment Registration Confirmation

After Clicking 'Apply', Payment registration confirmation notification will be appear.

In Back-end

Go to Accounting --> Payments. You will find the payment has posted in back-end with the given information.

Register Payment for Invoice

Click on "Invoices" button in Point of Sale home screen to select and pay for and Invoice.

Invoices Screen

After clicking on "Invoices" button, you will be redirected to Invoices screen where you can select a particular invoice and register payment. Select an invoice. Find the "Register Payment" button for the invoice.

Register Payment Pop-up Window

After clicking "Register Payment" button for the invoice, enter payment type, amount and payment notes in the popup window. Then click 'Apply'.

Payment Registration Confirmation

After Clicking 'Apply', Payment registration confirmation notification will be appear.

In Back-end - Payment

Go to Accounting --> Payments. You will find the payment has posted in back-end with the given information.

In Back-end - Invoice

Go to Accounting --> Customer Invoices -- > Select the invoice. You will find the payment has posted for the invoice.

POS Multi Currency Configuration

Enable Multi currency check boxes and added currency in configuration which you want to see in pos.

Select the Product form POS.

Enable/Disable Toggle Button for Multi Currency

Convert amount show in payment receipt.

POS Allow/Deny Features

This module allows you to control which user or employee can have access of how much functionalities in POS:

  • Allow/Deny Payments.
  • Allow/Deny Discount Offerings.
  • Allow/Deny Quantity of Product.
  • Allow/Deny Editing Product Price.
  • Allow/Deny Removing order lines.

POS Login with Employees Configuration

Odoo version13 has feature to login on pos session with employee , or user can choose or select employee from the current pos session for that on POS settings you can select employee which will be available for the pos sessions.

POS Allow/Deny Configuration for User

Allow/Deny POS Features like Payment, Quantity, Discount, Edit Price, Remove Order-line for Particular POS User.

POS Allow/Deny Configuration for Employee

When employee link with User(related users assigned for employee) then his/her settings manages from the users.

When employee doesn't link with User(related users not assigned for employee) then his/her settings manages from employee form.

Here you can see Payment and Price options are disabled.

POS Report Menu

Sale Summary Report

Sale Summary Report of Selected User(s)

Generated Sale Summary Report of of Selected User(s).

Only sales Summary Report

Generated Sales Summary Report

Ongoing Session Report

Using Ongoing Session Report you can generate report of opened sessions.

Generated Ongoing Session Report of opened sessions.

Posted Session Report

Using Posted Session Report you can generate report of closed sessions.

Generated Posted Session Report of closed sessions.

Top Selling Product Report

Generated Report

Top Selling Customer Report

Generated Report

Top Selling Category Report

Generated Report.

Pos Profit-Loss Report

Generated Report

POS Payment Report

Generated PDF Report

Generated XLS Report

POS Configuration

Audit Report

Select Session to get report.

Category Summary of Selected Dates.

If you select current session,then only current session report will be generated.

Current session report.

Category Summary

Select Dates to get report.

Category Summary of Selected Dates.

If you select current session,then only current session report will be generated.

Category Summary of Selected Dates.

Product Summary

Select Dates to get report.

Generated Report

If you select current session,then only current session report will be generated.

Current session report.

Order Summary

Select Dates and state to get report.

Order Summary of Selected Dates and state.

If you don't select any state then,all states data will be printed.

Order Summary of all states between selected dates.

If you select current session, then only current session report will be generated.

If you select current session, then only current session report will be generated.

Payment Summary

Select Dates and Summary (salesperson/Journal) to get report.

Payment Summary of Selected Dates and current POS salesperson.

Select Journals in Summary.

Select Journals in Summary.

If you select current session,then only current session report will be generated.

Current session report.

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You will get 90 Days free support incase any bugs or issue (Except data recovery).

At BrowseInfo we offer end to end solution for Odoo services. Which includes analysis & consultation on the workflows and integration part. Please note that You're not allowed to distribute this module after purchase! Incase of any question regarding this module feel free to email us on ticket@browseinfo.in or raise a ticket on support.

Odoo Proprietary License v1.0

This software and associated files (the "Software") may only be used (executed,
modified, executed after modifications) if you have purchased a valid license
from the authors, typically via Odoo Apps, or if you have received a written
agreement from the authors of the Software (see the COPYRIGHT file).

You may develop Odoo modules that use the Software as a library (typically
by depending on it, importing it and using its resources), but without copying
any source code or material from the Software. You may distribute those
modules under the license of your choice, provided that this license is
compatible with the terms of the Odoo Proprietary License (For example:
LGPL, MIT, or proprietary licenses similar to this one).

It is forbidden to publish, distribute, sublicense, or sell copies of the Software
or modified copies of the Software.

The above copyright notice and this permission notice must be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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on 11/26/20, 1:41 PM Confirmed Purchase
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on 11/27/20, 12:12 AM Author

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