
v 14.0 Third Party 2
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Lines of code 273
Technical Name ae_security_restriction
Versions 12.0 13.0 11.0 17.0 16.0 14.0 15.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Lines of code 273
Technical Name ae_security_restriction
Versions 12.0 13.0 11.0 17.0 16.0 14.0 15.0

Security Restriction

Restrict menu and fields, also Make Field Readonly, invisible / Hide Stat Button /For M2o Fields: ('no_open', 'no_create', 'no_quick_create', 'no_create_edit')

This module has been tested in Community version 12 only.

Complete process for configuration and functionality explained below.

After Installation Go to Sttings -> Technical -> User Interface -> Menu Items.

To hide a Dashboard menu go to Menu Access Restriction Add a group name here.

Here you can see that Admin user is now not able to see Dashboard menu.

Hide a menu from Restrict for users tab here add a users for whom you want to hide a Translation menu.

Here we can see that Translation menu is restricted for these users.

Hide any menu From users -> Restrict Menus.

Dashboard and Translations menu are restricted for Admin user.

To hide any fields go to Technical -> Database structure -> Models.

Set a Readonly and Invisible for any field.

Select a Readonly option for Email Field.

here for Email field added Readonly and for Tax ID added Invisible.

Here you can see that Email is Readonly now and Tax iD is invisible.

Also we can hide a stat button for users.

To hide a invoiced stat button add that field in line and select Hide stat button option.

Here admin is not able to see invoiced button.

Rewrite Options for Many2one Fields.

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