Bubble Notification



v 15.0 Third Party
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 12730
Technical Name bubble_notification
Versions 15.0 14.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 12730
Technical Name bubble_notification
Versions 15.0 14.0

Bubble Notification

Manage Your Users' Notifications


With pushing notifications, you can build real-time, in-the-moment connections with your collegues.

Each user can receive notifications on different topics. You can push a notification to a specific user according to a certain process. You can also review, organize and manage your daily notifications.


To send a notification to a user you just need to call one of these methods defined on res.users:

A notification in a success theme color
notify_success(message, title, is_sticky, date_time, act_window_id, act_client_id)
A notification in a danger theme color
notify_danger(message, title, is_sticky, date_time, act_window_id, act_client_id)
A notification in a warning theme color
notify_warning(message, title, is_sticky, date_time, act_window_id, act_client_id)
A notification in an info theme color
notify_info(message, title, is_sticky, date_time, act_window_id, act_client_id)
A notification in a default theme color
notify_default(message, title, is_sticky, date_time, act_window_id, act_client_id)

The parameters of each method:

message "a string variable"
The content of the notification.
title "a string variable"
The title of the notification.
is_sticky "a boolean variable"
If it is set as true, the popup notification will be sticky until the user closes it.
date_time "a date-time variable"
The date and time of the notification.
act_window_id "an integer variable"
The id of the window action object 'ir.actions.act_window' which will be called when the user clicks the notification.
act_client_id "an integer variable"
The id of the client action object 'ir.actions.client' which will be called when the user clicks the notification.

The act_window_id parameter has a higher priority, so if you set act_window_id and act_client_id, the window action will be called.

You have to put this module in the dependencies of your module.


Ali Badran

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