v 15.0 Third Party 1
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Invoicing (account)
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Lines of code 350
Technical Name troo_payment_phonepe
Versions 17.0 16.0 15.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Invoicing (account)
Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 350
Technical Name troo_payment_phonepe
Versions 17.0 16.0 15.0

Payment Provider PhonePe

Simplifying payment transactions with PhonePe integration.

PhonePe module for Odoo facilitates integration with PhonePe as a payment provider, allowing users to make transactions seamlessly through the PhonePe platform. It enables customers to use PhonePe as a payment method for purchasing goods or services within the Odoo platform.


Payment Provider PhonePe

Payments with PhonePe Installation.

To install the PhonePe addon in Odoo, first, navigate to the Odoo Apps menu and remove any default filters in the search bar. Then, search for "PhonePe" addons and locate the desired addon. Click on it to initiate the installation process. It's important to note that this module relies on the PhonePe Python SDK for its functionality. If you haven't installed the SDK yet, you can do so by executing the provided command in your terminal. Once the SDK is installed, you can proceed with installing the PhonePe addon in Odoo.

pip3 install --index-url https://phonepe.mycloudrepo.io/public/repositories/phonepe-pg-sdk-python --extra-index-url https://pypi.org/simple phonepe_sdk

Payment Provider Configuration.

Configure the payment provider, enter the respective values for Merchant ID, Salt Key, and Salt Index. After inputting the credentials, click on "Test Connection" to review and correct any credential errors. Please note that this module is designed to work with the INR currency, and the country selected for the payment method should be India.


Website PhonePe payment option visible.

Upon successful configuration of the payment provider, 'PhonePe' will be displayed in the payment method options during checkout. If 'PhonePe' is not visible, please verify the delivery address country and currency.


Proceed with payment using the PhonePe payment method.

Upon clicking "Pay now" with the PhonePe payment method, you will be redirected to the PhonePe payment page, where you can choose from various payment options including UPI, Card, and Net Banking.


Payment Confirmation and Order Status Redirection.

Upon completing the payment, you will receive a confirmation of successful processing on the PhonePe redirection screen. Afterwards, the screen will automatically redirect to the Odoo order status page.

Ensuring Payment Security and Real-Time Updates with PhonePe.

The final order success screen displays the current status of the order process. In case of any delays or issues with PhonePe's response time, there is no need to worry about the payment status as we fetch real-time updates and utilize web hooks for delayed responses. Additionally, we have implemented a "PhonePe Retrieve Payment Status" scheduler that runs every 20 minutes to update any pending payment statuses. All payment-related logs are stored securely in the payment transaction, ensuring customers can make secure payments with PhonePe.


Seamless Refunds with PhonePe Payments.

Following payment with the PhonePe method, full refund functionality is available, allowing for direct payment refunds with a simple click.


Refund Processing with PhonePe.

After initiating a refund via webhook, PhonePe responds and automatically generates a new refund payment within the payment transaction, providing detailed refund payment status information.


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