v 16.0 Third Party
Odoo Online
On Premise
Lines of code 113
Technical Name tus_sorting_record
Versions 17.0 16.0 15.0 14.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Lines of code 113
Technical Name tus_sorting_record
Versions 17.0 16.0 15.0 14.0

Sorting Record

Sorting records are a way to organize and display data in a specific order, typically in ascending (from lowest to highest) or descending (from highest to lowest) order. This feature is commonly used in various software applications, databases, and spreadsheets to make it easier to find, analyze, and work with data. TUS sorting record app is developed to sort records of various modules. Scroll below to know more about the app.

https://wa.me/message/VENRAJRHMSWEB1 OR
  • Field Selection: You can specify which field or attribute of the data you want to use as the basis for sorting. For example, in a list of customers, you might choose to sort them by their names or the date they became customers.
  • Order: You can select the order in which the data should be sorted. The two primary sorting orders are:
    • Ascending Order: This sorts data from the lowest value to the highest. For example, sorting numbers in ascending order would arrange them from smallest to largest.
    • Descending Order: This sorts data from the highest value to the lowest. Using the same example, sorting numbers in descending order would arrange them from largest to smallest.
  • Model or Data Type: You can create specific Sorting records for a particular type of data or model. For instance, you might have different sorting criteria for sales orders, customer records, or product listings.
  • User-Based Sorting: You can often assign sorting preferences to specific users. This means that different users can have their own preferred order for viewing the same data.
  • Activation/Deactivation:Sorting records can be turned on or off. This allows you to easily switch between different sorting configurations without losing your previous settings.
  • Single Model Limitation: Systems will restrict you from creating multiple sorting records for the same model to avoid potential conflicts or errors.
  • Customization:App is highly customizable, allowing you to create complex sorting hierarchies and rules to meet your specific needs.
  • Ease of Use: This App is user friendly, you don't need more effort to use it.
  • Data Organization: This app will help you organize data for better data analysis, reporting, and decision-making.
  • Saved Preferences: It will allow users to save their preferred sorting settings, making it easy to return to a preferred view of data.

1. To configure follow below steps.

  • Go to "Settings."
  • Navigate to the "User" section.
  • Scroll down until you see a new field labeled "Sorting Records."
  • Activate or enable this field.
  • After activating, refresh the page.
  • You should now notice a new tab labeled "Sorting Records" in the drop-down menu of Users and Companies.

2. Sorting Record.

Now open This sorting record tab and create a new record.

3. Create record.

You can refer given image as reference to create sorting records

Name of the Record: Enter the name of the sorting record(e.g. External)

User:Choose the related user

Active:Check this box to activate the record or leave it unchecked to deactivate

Sorting Record Lines:

Example 1:

Model : Select the model for which you want to create a sorting record, e.g., Sale Order

Fields : Select the specific field for which this sorting will be applicable, e.g., Customer

Order : Select the order of the record, either ascending or descending

Example 1:

Model : Select another model if needed, e.g., Purchase Order

Fields : Select the specific field for this model, e.g., Vendor

Order : Select the order, either ascending or descending

Add more Sorting Record Lines as necessary for other models and fields.

4. Avoid duplicate model.

You can only add one model at a time. For example, if you add a sale order to one sorting record (external), you cannot add it to another if you wish to generate another record. It will give errors.

5. Sorted Record.

You can see in the image that the record has been sorted in descending order.

  • We are provide 90 days bug free support related to our module.
  • The support team is availbale from Monday to Friday 10:00 AM to 07:00 PM (IST).
  • To create ticket send email to support@techultra.in.

What would happen if I did not add a user?


Can we sort numbers?


Can I enable two factor authentication?

Currently, the two -factor authentication feature is not available. However, if you would like to have this feature, we can customize it for you.

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  • This section is meant to ask simple questions or leave a rating. Every report of a problem experienced while using the module should be addressed to the author directly (refer to the following point).
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