
v 17.0 Third Party 2
Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 189
Technical Name audio_player
Versions 17.0 16.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Odoo Apps Dependencies Discuss (mail)
Lines of code 189
Technical Name audio_player
Versions 17.0 16.0

Classic audio player widget
for Char field with URL to mp3, ogg,...

Play audio just in Odoo, without redirection to other pages

Now we can store audio files on anywhere, not just in our filestore servers. This will reduce the cargo on nginx of your file static server and the Odoo will work even faster.

With shadows and round edges in Firefox 57.0

and in Chrome 63.0 (with the same CSS)

Use different sizes

Just add options 'height' or/and 'width' in your field views

Also, you can use option 'add_styles' to customize your widget as you wish.

Max size


a bit less


even less

least, circle

Simple to use

Look how it to use

if you have Char field in model, like this

then you can create player like that

as you can see, it simple

Look how the player looks on the form.

Different modes

Use classic input for char field on edit mode, and player on view mode.

Depending on the option ' ?show_on_edit_mode':
1. In editing mode, you can have a classic field for editing URLs as a string, and in the playback mode you will see the player.
2. Or in both modes you can see the player (even if field have 'readonly=False').

This will allow you to do several forms simultaneously with different behaviors (for example, for different groups of users).

Modool - Brilliant Quality Odoo Business Solutions

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