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Technical Name xml_template
Versions 8.0
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Generates XML-Files from a Template

The structure and features of the XML-Template:

The XML-template ist copied "as-is" to the output XML-file:

<MyTag2 my-attribute="foo">
My Body


<MyTag2 my-attribute="foo">
My Body

Additional control-attributes allow to fill the output XML with data from the data-model:

<MyTag2 attr-name1="foo" attr-eval="root.foo">
<MyTag3 text-eval="root.bar"/>

will produce:

<MyTag2 foo="FOO">

provided that the Python expression "root.foo" will return "FOO" and "root.bar" will return "BAR" I.e., "attr-name[0-9]" provides an attribute-name and "attr-eval[0-9]" provides a Python-expression. The "[0-9]" can be any integer as long as "name" and "eval" matches.

List-iterations can be provided with the attributes "loop-eval" and "var":

<MyTag2 loop-eval="[1,2,4]" var="number">
<MyTag3 text-eval="number"/>

will produce


A variant of this, "seq-eval" is necessary, if there is no surrounding tag for the list (which is a weak XML-design - but cannot be excluded):

<MyTag2 seq-eval="[1,2,4]" var="number">
<MyTag3 text-eval="number"/>

will produce


The option "omit_on_empty" is used, if the surrounding tag shall be omitted with empty lists:

<MyTag2 loop-eval="[]" var="number" omit_on_empty="True">
<MyTag3 text-eval="number"/>

will produce


On the other hand:

<MyTag2 loop-eval="[]" var="number" omit_on_empty="False">
<MyTag3 text-eval="number"/>

will produce


The programmatic interface (API) of the XML-Template:

def generate_xml(self, cr, uid, id, nsmap=None, **scope_dict)

returns the output XMl. If a schema is provided, the validity is checked.

def attach_xml(self, cr, uid, id, attach_to, xml, name, fname, description, context)

creates an attachment from the output XML and attaches it to another object.

def write_file(self, cr, uid, id, xml, filename)

writes the output XML to a (server-side) provided file.

Example-Code (generate a XML for an invoice and attach it to that invoice):

template_obj = self.pool.get("xml.template")
template_ref_obj = self.pool.get("xml.template.ref")
template_refs = template_ref_obj.browse | ( cr, uid
, template_ref_obj.search
(cr, uid, [("name", "=", "%s,%s" % (invoice._name, invoice.id))])
if not template_refs :
raise osv.except_osv | ( _('Data Error !')
, _('No Template defined for Invoice ') + invoice.name

template_ref = template_refs[0]
xml = template_obj.generate_xml | (cr, uid
, template_ref.xml_template_id.id
, invoice = invoice
, partner = partner
, time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

template_obj.attach_xml | ( cr, uid
, template_ref.xml_template_id.id
, attach_to = invoice
, xml = xml
, name = invoice.name
, fname = invoice.name + ".xml"
, description = "XML file representing this invoice"

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