Mindphin Apps 88 Apps found. author: Mindphin × version: 16.0 ×

The "Import Sale Order Line" module empowers users to efficiently and accurately import Order Lines directly into Quotations from external data sources, such as CSV and Excel files. By automating the data entry process, this module streamlines sales workflows, enhances data accuracy, and accelerates order creation. Import Sale Order Line | Sale Order Line | Sale Quotation | Quotation | Order Lines | CSV | Excel | Data Mapping | Batch Processing | Data Validation | Data Alignment | Data Integrity | Preview | Audit Trail | Sales Workflow | Data Source | Efficiency | Accuracy | Productivity | Manual Data Entry | External Data | Data Integration | Sales Operations | Data Structure | User-friendly Interface

Import Sale Order Line

The Import Sale Order XLSX module in Odoo is an add-on that allows users to import sales orders from an Excel file (in XLSX format) into the Odoo system. It provides a convenient way to mass import sales orders, saving time and effort for users. | sale order | import sale order | import sale order xlsx |

Import Sale Order from XLSX

The "Import Vendor Pricelist" module empowers users to seamlessly integrate supplier details into the system, enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of managing vendor relationships. This module facilitates the bulk import of supplier data for multiple products from CSV or Excel files. Import Supplier Info | Supplier Data Integration | Supplier Data | Vendor Data | Product Vendor | Vendor Data Integration | Data Import | Supplier Information | CSV Import | Excel Import | Bulk Import | Mapping and Matching | Data Validation | Customizable Fields | Error Handling | Automated Updates | Procurement Optimization | Supplier Management | Data Accuracy | Sample File Format | Data Standards | User Empowerment | Operational Efficiency

Import Vendor Pricelist

The "India Stock Map" module is a sophisticated and user-friendly tool designed to provide real-time updates on product stocks across various states in India. It offers an interactive map interface, with each state color-coded based on its stock rule. Users can easily select specific states to view detailed stock information, enabling efficient monitoring and strategic decision-making. India | India Stock Map | India Stock | Stock | India Map | Stock Map | Real-time Updates | Product Stocks | States | Interactive Map | Stock Rule | Color-coded | Supply Chain Management | Inventory Management | Data Analytics | Trend Analysis | Real-time Alerts | Mobile Compatibility | Data Security | Decision-making | Business Insights.

India Stock Map

Efficiently link refunds to originator invoices for transparent financial tracking, enhancing operational efficiency and facilitating quick dispute resolution in business transactions. Leveraging advanced financial software ensures accuracy and streamlines the overall process. Invoice Refund | Refund Tracking | Originator Invoices | Financial Transparency | Operational Efficiency | Audit Trail | Customer Insights | Dispute Resolution | Financial Software | Business Transactions | Financial Management

Invoice Refund Link

The "Lead Sale Cancel Reason" module analyzes reasons for sales or lead cancellations. It tracks and documents these reasons to improve sales processes. By understanding why cancellations occur, businesses can make informed decisions to enhance sales efficiency. It offers insights into trends, aiding in the optimization of sales strategies. Crm lost reason | Sale Cancel Reason | Lead lost reason | Cancel Reason

Lead Sale Cancel Reason

The Login With QR module offers a modern and user-friendly authentication solution that enables users to access their accounts or systems by scanning a unique QR code instead of manually entering login credentials. This feature enhances user convenience, reduces login errors, and improves overall security by using encrypted QR codes for authentication. QR code login | Login With QR | QR Login | Login History | User Login History | Authentication | QR Code | QR Code Authentication | Dynamic QR codes | Multi-factor authentication (MFA) | QR code scanning

Login using QR Code

The activity reminder module provides a comprehensive solution for scheduling and managing activities efficiently. It allows users to schedule activities, assign them to specific individuals or teams, and set reminders to ensure timely completion. Activity scheduling | Reminder notifications | Email Reminder | Recurring activities | Calendar integration | Priority settings | Activity tracking | Timely reminders | Task management | Due dates.

Mail Activity Reminder

The Model Message Overview module in CRM displays all related messages in the inbox, streamlining communication. Message Inbox | Customer All Messages| Message Tracking | Partner Related messages

Model Message Overview

The "Multi Invoice Statement" module is a sophisticated tool designed to enhance document management within the realm of invoicing and financial transactions. It empowers users to consolidate multiple invoices onto multi invoice lines while preserving the individuality of each transaction through the inclusion of their invoice numbers. Multi Invoice Statement | Multi Invoice Lines | Multiple Invoices | Multiple Invoices Printing | Multiple Invoices Management | Specific Invoices Print | Consolidated Invoicing | Document Management | Financial Transactions | Invoice Aggregation | Unified Presentation | Invoice Number Reference | Document Organization | Streamlined Printing | Space Optimization | Professional Document Handling | Customization Options | Invoicing Efficiency | Paper Conservation | Visual Clarity | Branding Consistency | Integration Capabilities | Audit Trail Support | Document Preview | Document Clarity | Print Invoice | Printing Invoice | Multi Invoice Print | Invoice Printing

Multi Invoice Statement

The Multi Location Stock Visibility module is a professional-grade solution designed to enhance stock visibility and streamline inventory management for product kits across multiple companies. | Multi Location Stock Visibility| Multi Location | Location Stock Visibility | Stock Visibility | Location Stock | Multi Location Visibility | Multi-Stock Quantity Display | Stock Quantity | Multi-Stock Quantity | Quantity Display | Product Kits | Kit | Demand Forecasting | Proactive Stock Management

Multi Location Stock Visibility

The multi-payment invoice module is a versatile tool that streamlines and simplifies the payment process for businesses and users. It allows for the consolidation of multiple invoices, providing the convenience of paying them simultaneously. | Multi-payment | Multi Invoice Due Payment | Customer Payment | Customer Due Payment | Payment registration | Payment method selection | Outstanding dues | Due invoices Payment | User portal Invoice Payment | Payment tracking | Payment processing | Payment flexibility | Payment integration | Invoice organization | Multi Invoice Payment.

Multi Payment Invoice
Mindphin Technologies Pvt.Ltd.

The new update notifications module provides users with a way to stay informed about the latest updates and improvements to their instance. | pops-up | new update notifications | notifications | New Updates | Landing Popup |

New Update Notification

Employee own session refers to strategies and tactics employed to enhance the visibility of a point-of-sale (POS) shop specifically tailored to the preferences Shop Visibility|own shop|own session|user session||Employee-Owned Sessions | POS User Restriction | POS User Session

POS Allow Sessions

The "POS Due Orders Settlement" Module Streamlines Managing 'Paid' And 'Due Amounts' In The "Due Orders" Section, Offering Convenient 'Payment Settlement Options' For A Seamless Transaction Experience. POS Settle Due | Due amount | Due Order | Settlement Options | Payment Flexibility | Lay By Order | Lay By | POS Lay By | POS layby | Partial Payment | Layby Settlement | Pos Order Settlement

POS Due Order Settlement

The "POS Quick Payment" module in Odoo is a powerful tool designed to streamline and expedite the payment process within the Point of Sale (POS) system. It enhances operational efficiency by reducing the number of steps required to complete transactions, resulting in quicker and more satisfying customer experiences. | POS Quick Payment | Quick Payment | Point of Sale | Streamline Payment | Efficient Transactions | Customization | Integration | Customer Experience | Payment Workflow | Simplified Process | User-friendly Interface | Transaction Speed

POS Quick Payment

Summary: The "Pos Remove Tax" module is a valuable extension to the Odoo POS system, providing users with advanced features to streamline tax management during the checkout process. With the inclusion of two dedicated buttons for tax removal, users can effortlessly modify tax settings for products, ensuring accurate calculations and enabling a more personalized shopping experience for customers. This module significantly enhances the efficiency and flexibility of the POS system, making it an indispensable tool for businesses seeking to optimize their tax management workflows. | POS Remove Tax | POS Tax Tools | Tax Modification | Automated Tax Adjustments | Product Tax Removal | Tax Removal | Remove Tax | Remove All Tax | POS | Point Of Sale

POS Remove Tax

The Paid Appointment Module is a sophisticated and versatile solution designed to optimize the appointment booking process for businesses and users alike. This professional-grade module offers a range of key features, including dynamic pricing based on specific days and times, customizable scheduling, and multiple secure payment options.

Paid Appointment

The PoS Low Stock Alert module is a crucial component within the Inventory Application that empowers businesses to proactively manage their product inventory levels. By defining customizable threshold quantities for products, the module monitors stock quantities in real-time. It triggers alert notifications within the Point of Sale (PoS) interface when a product's stock falls below or equals the set threshold. This feature ensures that businesses can take immediate action to prevent stockouts, optimize inventory management, and maintain seamless operations. Low Stock Alert | Stock Alert | Stock Alert Notification | Inventory Management | Threshold Quantities | Real-time Monitoring | Point of Sale | Low Stock | Stock Level | Product Stock | Product Alert | Product Quantity | Alert Quantity | PoS Product | PoS Alert | Alert Notifications | Replenishment | Stock Levels | Inventory Optimization | Business Efficiency | Operational Continuity | Customer Satisfaction | Data Insights | Reporting | Role-based Access | Resource Allocation | Strategic Decision-making | Integration | Procurement | User Permissions

PoS Low Stock Alert

This module adds a 'Attachments' button to the Invoices & Bills section in the portal. When clicked, it downloads all attachments for the invoice in a compressed format, making it convenient to retrieve multiple attachments at once. | Invoices & Bills | Attachment management | Download attachments | Compressed format | Streamlined retrieval | Invoice attachments | Enhanced portal functionality | Document management | Attachment button |

Portal Attachment Download