Manage Ideas Module, Idea Management App, Worker Idea Manage, Handle Ideas, Employee Idea Management, Manage Ideas With Types, Maintain Ideas Odoo

Employee Idea Management
Softhealer Technologies

App will setup the whole flow of employee idea management.

Employee Idea Management
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Share Employee Ideas

Share Employee Ideas in Odoo

Using 'Weekly Attendance Snippet' you can track attendance, activity and help manage participation in classes, meetings, and events. Weekly Attendance snippet help HR to track employee presence and contribution, absence, seek leave and easy to count working hour so that they can resolve any problems efficiently. You can easily search Emaployee name, employee id, department etc, also display total hour of working per day. You can define leaves in report by remark like public holiday, seek leave, leave, absence A, present P. Weekly Attendance Snippet Odoo Manage Employee Attendance By Week Odoo, Feature Of Handle Weekly Attendance Snippet, Find Absent Present Of User By Week Odoo. Weekly Attendance Snippet, Manage Employee Attendance App, Find Employee Absent Module, Find Employee Present Odoo, Handling Of User Weekly Attendance. Weekly Attendance Snippets, Weekly Attendance Snipet, Weekly Attendance Box, Weekly Attendance Content Box. Weekly Attendance Snippet 每周出勤摘要 Extrait de présence hebdomadaire Wöchentlicher Anwesenheitsausschnitt Snippet di frequenza settimanale Fragmento de asistencia semanal Snippet de presença semanal

Weekly Attendance Snippet
Softhealer Technologies
Employee ID
Michael Telahun Makonnen , OpenSynergy Indonesia ,