Softhealer Technologies Accounting Apps 44 Apps found. author: Softhealer technologies × category: Accounting × version: 11.0 ×

This module useful to print journal entries. Print Journal Entries Odoo Print Journal Entry Odoo, Print Multiple Journal From List Module, Journal Entries Report Odoo. Print Journal Report App, Print Multiple Journal Module, Print Journal Entry Odoo. Print Journal Entries 打印日记条目 Imprimer les entrées du journal Journaleinträge drucken Stampa voci di giornale Imprimir entradas de diario Imprimir entradas do diário

Print Journal Entries
Softhealer Technologies

This module useful to print journal items. Print Journal Items Odoo Print Journal Items Odoo, Print Multiple Journal Items From List Module, Journal Items Report Odoo. Print Journal Items App, Print Multiple Items Module, Print Journal Items Odoo. Print Journal Items 打印日记帐项目 Imprimer les éléments du journal Journalelemente drucken Stampa articoli di giornale Imprimir elementos del diario Imprimir itens do diário

Print Journal Items
Softhealer Technologies

Product Details In Invoice List View, Product Information In Bill List View, List View Product Details, Product Details In List View, List View With Product Details Odoo

Products Information Inside Invoice List View
Softhealer Technologies

In Vendor bill a post-dated cheque is a cheque written by the supplier(payer) for a date in the future. Whether a post-dated cheque may be cashed or deposited before the date written on it depends on the country. Currently, odoo does not provide any kind of feature to manage post-dated cheque. That why we make this module. This module will help to manage a post-dated cheque. This module provides a button 'Register PDC Cheque' in invoice form view, after click button one 'PDC Payment' wizard will popup, you have must select a bank where you deposit a PDC cheque after register a PDC cheque you can see the list of PDC cheque payment list in the 'Vendor PDC Payment' menu. after register PDC Payment you can deposit or return that cheque. after deposit, if cheque bounced so you can set that payment on 'Bounced' state. You can track that process of PDC Payment in Bank 'General Ledger' as well as journal entries/items. also, print a PDF report of PDC Payment. Vendor Post Dated Cheque Management Odoo Manage Vendor Post Dated Cheque Module, View Vendor PDC In Bill, See List Of PDC Payment Of Vendor, Track PDC Process, Register Post Dated Cheque, Print Vendor PDC Report Odoo. Manage Post Dated Cheque, View Vendor Bill PDC App, List Of PDC Payment, Track PDC Process, Register Vendor Post Dated Cheque Module, Print PDC Report Odoo. Vendor Post-Dated Cheque (PDC) Management 供应商后期检查(PDC)管理 Gestion des chèques postdatés (PDC) du fournisseur PDC-Verwaltung (Vendor Post-Dated Check) Gestione del controllo post-datato (PDC) del fornitore Gestión de cheques con fecha posterior del proveedor (PDC) Gerenciamento de cheques pré-datados do fornecedor (PDC)

Vendor Post-Dated Cheque(PDC) Management
Softhealer Technologies