GraphQL, Json:API, API Key, Sudo Authorization, Personalized Access Management and much more.

Odoo API Framework (Full Bundle)

Odoo Json:API

Mass Update Tasks, Update Assign To Person, Update Deadline Tasks, Update Project Tasks, Update Tag Tasks, Add Tag, Replace Tag, Update Stage Tasks

Mass Update Tasks
Leap4Logic Solutions Private Limited

Project Task-Subtask Sequence is a app where we can give sequence to a project and tasks of that project, we can also give sequence to its a task's subtask, we can also change task and subtask's prefix and padding .

Project Task-Subtask Sequence
Botspot infoware Pvt. Ltd.

Merge Task Merge Projects Merge Timesheet Project Merge Subtask Merge Multiple Projects Task Append Project Task Project Management Task Merge Append Task Project Merged task with Timesheet Merged Project Merged Timesheet

Merge Project Tasks | Project Tasks Merge | Tasks Merge on Project | Merged Multiple Task and Timesheet | Merge Task on Project
Edge Technologies

When invoicing timesheets, this module enables invoicing of only the validated timesheets linked to an SO. Invoice validated timesheet, approved timesheet validate

Timesheet Validate

Project Unique Sequence Number, Project Task Unique Sequence Number, Project and Project Task Unique Sequence Number

Project Unique Sequence Number, Project Task Unique Sequence Number
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Manage project agile methodology project sprint release manage project scrum sprint planning scrum team scrum meeting project scrum document scrum task agile project management project planning with scrum master project task forecast sprint planning

Project Scrum Master | Project Management System | Project Scrum Meeting | Sprint Release | Agile Scrum Methodology
Edge Technologies

Overdue Task Email Notification Send Email for Project Task Overdue Employee Overdue Tasks Notification Overdue Task Email Notify Overdue Task Alert Notifications Send Overdue Task Notification Reminder for Task Overdue Employee Task Deadline Notification

Overdue Task Notification | Employee Overdue Task Reminder | Task Overdue Email Notification | Task Delay Mail Notification | Task Deadline Status
Edge Technologies

Create notes from project notes from task print project notes PDF report task note report add project notes for task project task notes show project notes report show project task notes display notes for project display task notes PDF report

Project Notes | Task Notes | Notes for Project | Notes for Task | Project and Task Notes Report
Edge Technologies

Mass Update Stage's Projects

Mass Update Stage's Projects
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Project Task Mass Update

Project Task Mass Update
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Sub-tasks Closing Alert

Sub-tasks Closing Alert
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Project Task Multi User, Update Assignees of Task

Update Assignees of Task
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Project task to calendar task easy management meeting from task create task from meeting task management project task meeting activities create meeting from task quick task from meeting calendar project task filter from meeting project forecast task plan

Calendar for Project Information | Easy Task Calendar Management
Edge Technologies

Create categories on project category task category wise project group by categories for project task filter categories of project group by project task category controlling project categories project management project task management

Project Category Management | Group by Project Category | Set Project Category on Project
Edge Technologies

Generate project from a storable product

Project from storable Product
TIT Solutions

Customers can locate the precise position on a map using the Geolocation Address feature on the Odoo website. Additionally, the module fills up the customer's address in accordance with the location information. Customers only need to locate their position to get their address. there is no need to manually add their information.

Website Customer Geolocation Address | Website Partner Geolocation Address | Partner Geolocation | Customer Location | Partner Location - Using Google API

Odoo app allows you to create and link checklists to tasks & also update the checklist percentage.task checklist, checklist for tasks,Task Checklist, Project Task Checklist, Custom Checklist for Task Odoo, Project Task Own Checklist, task management checklist, checklist percentage, checklist app, checklist module, task checklist management, task checklist tracking, task checklist completion, task checklist automation, task checklist collaboration, task checklist customization, task checklist integration

Task Checklist, Project Task Checklist, Custom Checklist for Task Odoo, Project Task Own Checklist
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

odoo apps to restrict Create past date Task, Task Restrict Deadline ToDay, Restrict past date Deadline, Task Date deadline, Task Restrict, Task Deadline date restrict, date deadline, task past date, task date deadline

Task Restrict Deadline ToDay, Restrict past date Deadline
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd