Manage sale order line section and add dynamic product under particular section.Sale Order Line Section Management | Add Fields | Sale Order Lines | Manage Sections | Organize Order Lines

Sale Order Line Section Management

"Product Review Request"is a convenient Odoo app designed to help businesses collect valuable feedback from their customers. With this app, customers can easily submit reviews and ratings for their orders and Products, providing businesses with valuable insights into the customer experience,|Review |Feedback| After sales feedback | After sales review | Review Rating | Rating in Order | Rating in Sale Order.

Product Review Request

The "Sale Powered By" module in Odoo includes a feature that allows for a "Powered By" line to be added to the sale order view within the portal. This line can be customized to display the name or logo of the company, providing a professional and branded touch to the sale order view for customers. | Branding | Portal | Sale order| Company name| Sales process | Powered By | Sale Powered By|

Sale Powered By

The "Delivery Handling Charges" module is a critical component of the Shipping Method system designed to streamline and automate the application of handling charges to orders within an e-commerce or logistics platform Shipping method | Delivery charges | Shipping charges | Handling charges | Delivery handling Charges | Delivery shipping charges | Delivery cost | Shipping cost | Handling cost | Add Shipping | Shipping delivery charges

Delivery Handling Charges

The "Document Info" is a robust module designed to enhance the user experience and operational efficiency within the Sale Module of an organization's software system. document info | document details | sales module | document-related information | sale order | customers

Document Info

The Import Sale Order XLSX module in Odoo is an add-on that allows users to import sales orders from an Excel file (in XLSX format) into the Odoo system. It provides a convenient way to mass import sales orders, saving time and effort for users. | sale order | import sale order | import sale order xlsx |

Import Sale Order from XLSX

"Portal Reorder" is a module that allows users to quickly and easily create new sales orders based on previous ones. It saves time and effort by copying all the relevant information from the previous order, such as product details and customer information, while still allowing for any necessary modifications.| Sales automation| Reorder products | Recurring orders |Simplified ordering | Repeat purchases | Order management | Sales efficiency|

Portal Reorder

The Sale Line Views module is a highly valuable tool designed to significantly enhance the visibility and analysis of sale-related information. With its advanced data representation capabilities, this module provides users with an elevated level of insight and analysis compared to the base module. Sale | Quotation | Order | Sale Line Views | Management | Analysis | Sale-related information | Quotation line data | Enriched view | Advanced features | Functionalities | Base module | Navigation | Insights

Sale Line Views

The Sale Order Line Views module in Odoo is an add-on that allows users to view all sale orderlines of various quotations in a single place with all details. |Sale Order | Order Line | Sale Order Line | Sale Order Line Views | Data analysis | Data visualization | Graph view | Search bar | Product name | Order reference | Customer details | Sales analysis | Sales performance | Customer segmentation | Workflow efficiency | Decision-making | Data-driven insights | Reporting | Interactive graphs | Data exploration | Trend analysis | Comparative analysis | Data patterns | Data relationships

Sale Order Line Views

The "Sale Quick Create Product: Streamline sales with our app. Effortlessly create and add new products to sale orders, boosting productivity.| Sale Cart | Create Product on sale | Product Cart | Sale Order | Create product on sale | sale cart | quick create product | Product add widget |

Sale Quick Create Product

Add a Download button to the sale order tree view to download sales, invoice, and delivery reports in a zip order download | compress button | download reports | compress zip file | compress reports

Sales Report Bundle

This module enhances the functionality of all apps by adding a customized string alongside the 'Save' and 'Discard' icon, providing a streamlined user experience for saving and discarding actions. | Cross-app compatibility | Icon customization | Streamlined user experience | Save button enhancement | Discard button enhancement | Universal functionality | Improved user interaction | Enhanced action buttons | Consistent interface | Multi-app support |

Web Save Discard Button