Do you having lots of products and variants? Feeling difficulty to filter/search and choose specific products in sale orders? So here we come with solution, Our module will help you to filter products with fully customized your favourite products fields and variant attributes. Our module will save your time and efforts for selection of products on basis of different criterias. We have provided configuration of products fields and attributes. You can easily customized it as you required. After configurations of your favourites fields and attributes you will be able to add products on basis of that customized fields and attributes criterias or patterns. Cheers!

Advance Product Search and Selection in sale order
Softhealer Technologies

Separate Quotation No. So easy to manage quotation and sale order no.

Separate Quotation No.
Softhealer Technologies

Do you want to add discount automatically from customer in sale order? Our this module will provide that feature. Using this in sale order discount will automatically added from selected customer, so you need to define it only once time then after, it will automatically added in sales order lines. Sale Order Customer Discount Odoo, So Customer Discount Odoo. Add Special Customer Discount Module, Auto Sale Order Discount, Automatic Add Sales Order Lines Discount, Automatically Add Quotation Lines Discount, Give SOL Selected Client Discount, Add SO Discount, Define Discount Percentage In So Customer Odoo. Special Customer Discount Module, Auto Sale Order Discount, Automatic Discount Sales Order Lines, Quotation Line Discount ,SOL Client Discount App, Add SO Discount, Define SO Discount Percentage Odoo.

Sale Order Customer Discount
Softhealer Technologies

split sale order lines app, extract so, extract quote module, split sales order, extract quotation odoo

Split Sale Order
Softhealer Technologies

Sale Order Delivery Module, Filter Sale Order Invoice,SO Partial Delivery App, Find Full Paid Amount In SO Application, Partial SO Paid Amount Status Odoo

Sale Order Status
Softhealer Technologies
Sales Order Filters
Softhealer Technologies

This module is useful to generate sales report of products days wise. Very useful to analyse sales of products by days. Daily Product Sales Report. Daily Sales Report Product Sales Product day wise sales Days Wise Product Sales Report Odoo Generate Sales Report Of products By Day Wise, Analysis Of Sales Report By Day Module, Provide So Report By Start End Date Odoo. Day Wise Sales Report Module, Generate Products Sales Report By Day, Sales Report With Start Date, Generate Sales Report With End Date App Odoo.

Days Wise Product Sales Report
Softhealer Technologies

In Sale Order Line when we create a sale order and choose a product and if we order qty more than available quantity so it will give warning message pop up, which indicates available quantity is less than order quantity for that product. Here that Pop Up is blocked so it will not warn you. And available qty is displayed in the sale order line product-wise.

Disable Sale Stock Warning
Softhealer Technologies

This module useful to import partners (customer or vendors) images by csv/excel file. Easily you can import images by url or from local system path.

Import Customer Image from CSV/Excel file
Softhealer Technologies

This module is useful to import Customers/Suppliers from CSV/Excel. You can import custom fields from CSV or Excel. Import Customer / Supplier From CSV , Excel Odoo Import Customer / Supplier From CSV Module, Import Customer / Supplier From Excel, Import Customer / Supplier From XLS XLSX Odoo. Import Customer / Supplier From CSV Module, Import Customer / Supplier From Excel App, import Partner / Customer From XLS XLSX Odoo Importar cliente / proveedor desde CSV, Excel Odoo

Import Customers/Suppliers from CSV/Excel file
Softhealer Technologies

This module is useful to import lead from CSV/Excel. You can import custom fields from CSV or Excel. Import Lead From CSV Odoo, Import Lead From excel Odoo Import Lead From CSV Module, Import Lead From Excel, Import Lead From XLS XLSX Odoo, Import Opportunity From CSV Module, Import Opportunity From Excel, Import Opportunity From XLS XLSX Odoo. Import Lead From CSV Module, Import Lead From Excel Module, import Lead From XLS XLSX , Import Opportunity From CSV , Import Opportunity From Excel App, import Opportunity From XLS XLSX Odoo Importar plomo de CSV Odoo, Importar plomo de Excel Odoo

Import Lead from CSV/Excel file
Softhealer Technologies

Sometimes, we purchase many products from one supplier and then update that supplier in each product, so that is quite a time-consuming task. This module provides the feature to update a vendor in more than one product in a single click. You can also set a minimum quantity of product and delivery time. Mass Vendor Update Odoo. Provides Feature To Update Vendor,Update Multiple Supplier Module, Update Mass Of Product Vendor, Change Bunch Of Product Dealer Odoo. Vendor Update App,Mass Supplier Change, Update Bunch Product Dealer, Change Bulk Vendor Odoo.

Mass Vendor Update
Softhealer Technologies

This module useful to print Lead. This module useful to print opportunity.

Print Lead Or Opportunity
Softhealer Technologies

Not all humans are professional. It does not matter how clever, trusted or trained we are, sooner or later everybody will make a mistake. That's why we make this module. As the name implies, Double Approval is a control that requires two separate people to authorize a transaction. The first person is responsible for creating the request (known as the user), while the second person checks and approves the activity (known as the manager). Double Approval clearly helps protect your business, but it also helps protect your employees from making a mistake from the process. This module will help to set a limit of the sale order amount for the user, If a user makes a sale order beyond the limit, So that sale order automatically sets in the 'To Approve' stage. And then the manager can approve or refuse this sale order from 'Sale Order Approval'. This module can help to track approved or refused orders with approved by, refused by, approved date, refusal date, refusal reason. You can alert for approving via email to the sales team, specific user, or that person who has to approve limit more than a sale order amount. Sale Order Double Approval Odoo, SO Double Approval Odoo Sales Order Double Validation Module, Sale Order Double Permission For Big Amount, SO Payment More Approval, Set Limit In Sale Order Amount, Quotation Double Validation,Quote Double Permission For Big Amount Odoo Sales Order Double Validation Module, So Big Amount Double Permission, SO Payment More Approval App, Quotations Double Validation, Quote Double Approval Odoo.

Sale Order Double Approval
Softhealer Technologies

This module very useful and time saver if you want to add multiple products on single click. You can add multiple products in sale order and you can also do from multi selection in product list view also.

Sale Order Multi Product Selection
Softhealer Technologies

Sale Order Template Product - Combo Products Packages This module useful to define multipe products in one custom template and load all products on single click in purchase order. How exactly its works, First need to created custom product template and add different kind of products in that, you need to select that template in sale order and auto all related products of that template will be added in sale order line. you done! it will make your effort very less otherwise you need to add that all products one by one in sale order line. Other thing is you can add products with special price discount. so its make this function more beautiful :) Product Template is like product bundles or combo packs – extension for creating configurable product packages: With Bundles you can quickly build complex products or create simple discount combos by mixing simple and variable products. It's very easy to configured, fast forward in sales process.

Sale Order Template Product
Softhealer Technologies

This module useful to show sale order lines products and other information related to it.

Sale Order To Task
Softhealer Technologies
Sale Order Transport Note
Softhealer Technologies

Sales Details Report provides you sales analysis by specific time period. You can print report in Pdf as well as excel report.

Sales Details Report
Softhealer Technologies

Sales report by salesperson between specific time period. You can print report in PDF and Excel sheet.

Sales Report By Saleperson
Softhealer Technologies