Odoo Easypost Connector

Odoo Easypost Connector
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.
1 | 0

Odoo Easyship Connector

Odoo Easyship Connector
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.
1 | 0

The Facebook Messenger chat widget will be visible in the odoo website.

Odoo Facebook Messenger Chat
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.
66 | 0

Odoo Fresh Chat Integration helps you instantly answer user questions using Fresh Chat interface

Odoo Fresh Chat Integration
YoungWings Technologies
1 | 0

Freshchat in Odoo Website

Odoo Freshchat Integration
Technaureus Info Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
2 | 0

Odoo GOTO Meet Connector Odoo gotomeetings odoo goto meetings

Odoo GOTO Meet Connector
Pragmatic TechSoft Pvt Ltd.

Delivery Control System odoo restaurants delivery control system restaurant management system restaurant management software restaurant management app

Odoo Home Delivery Control System For Any Business
Pragmatic TechSoft Pvt Ltd.
40 | 0

Odoo Keep initial address for orders

Odoo Keep initial address for orders
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.
2 | 0

Odoo Latest Tweet

Odoo Latest Tweet
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.
3 | 0

Odoo Live Chat Integration helps you instantly answer user questions using Live Chat interface

Odoo Live Chat Integration
YoungWings Technologies
3 | 0

Live Chat in Odoo Website

Odoo Live Chat Integration
Technaureus Info Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
1 | 0

Odoo Magento SSO facilitates users to access Odoo website with single log-in credentials of Magento Website.

Odoo Magento SSO
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

Odoo Maintenance Mode allows to put Odoo server(both website and backend) in the maintenance mode while performing some diagnostic tests on server. It allows to prevent customer requests during maintenance mode.

Odoo Maintenance Mode
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.
36 | 0

The module allows the marketplace admin to create custom barcode labels for the odoo marketplace products and their variants.

Odoo Marketplace Advance Barcode Labels For Product
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

The Odoo marketplace sellers can use the advertisement space on the Marketplace website pages to display and promote their marketplace products.

Odoo Marketplace Advertisement Manager
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.
1 | 0

Odoo Marketplace Ajax Login/Sign-Up module allows you to provide access to anonymous users to register themselves on your marketplace.

Odoo Marketplace Ajax Login/Sign-Up
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.
1 | 0

Odoo Marketplace Buyer Seller Communication facilitates seller to communicate with the buyer in Odoo Marketplace.

Odoo Marketplace Buyer Seller Communication
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.
7 | 0

This module allows admin to manage seller payment for COD orders.

Odoo Marketplace Cash On Delivery (COD)
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.
3 | 0

The admin can add product variety on the website without creating any extra variants of the product. Thus reducing the work in inventory management.

Odoo Marketplace Custom Options
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.
2 | 0

Add product tabs on product page to display additional content like product information, product details, technical specifications, warranty, etc.

Odoo Marketplace Custom Product Tabs
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.
1 | 0