Top charts: Devintelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd Apps author: Devintelle consulting service × version: 11.0 ×

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odoo app create Employee Equipment Request,Employee Assest Request, Employee assest request, employee reuqest for assest or equipment, employee equipment request approval flow, employee manager approval floe for assest or office Equipment, Employee Equipment

Employee Equipment Request, Employee Assest Request
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

odoo app alllow to Import Employee into csv and xls, employee import csv, employee import xls, import employee csv file, employee all fields into employee, employee import csc, employee quick import, employee easy import, employee excel import

Import Employee csv/xls, Employee Import csv/xls
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Odoo app helps you to restrict employees to confirm purchase order if price is higher than previous orders, Purchase Price Approval, Purchase Order Price Approval, price approval, purchase approval, purchase order approval, Purchase Order Price Validator, Price Check for Purchase Orders, purchase order, Purchase Order Authorization, Purchase Order Price Control, Price Approval Workflow, Price Approval State, Price Approval Configuration, Purchase Order Price Verification, Product Price Control in Odoo, Price Threshold for Confirmation, Odoo Purchase Order Authorization, Restrict Purchase Orders by Product Price

Purchase Order Price Approval, Price Approval on Purchase Order, Purchase Order Approval for High Price Odoo, Price Approval Workflow
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

Create Portal User from Partner, User create from Partner, create user from partner, user from customer, user from contact, user from contact details, user from customer individual, user from customer compnay, create user from partner.

Create Portal User from Partner, User create from Partner
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd

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